Parenting Tips

With the constant evolution in the do’s and don’t of raising children, we believe it’s important to learn and grow together. Here you can find some quick and easy parenting tips, that covers topics relating to the physical and mental development of our children.

Parenting Tips

How to raise a polite child

How to raise a polite child?

When to start teaching manners? At around 18 months old, a child starts to understand that other people have feelings just like his, so this is the suitable time to start teaching kids’ manners that are appropriate to his age. The 4 Basic Manners #1 Please & Thank you Teach your child to say the […]


children tasting fruits

5 Snacks to Boost your Children’s Immunity

In the wake of coronavirus, parents are rightly worried about their children in terms of their health and safety. You can build up our children’s immunity with nutrient-dense foods so that they are ready to fight when they are exposed to the inevitable germs. Snacks are the most convenient way to feed your children with […]


kid sleeping

Can sleeping boost children’s immune system?

Yes. Adequate sleep assists not only in rest and recovery but also can help to boost children's immune system, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic. Benefits of quality sleep Strengthen the immune system Promote healthy growth Increase attention span Improve learning Protect the heart The recommended amount of sleep: It varies based on age. The American […]


Healthy Foods for Kids

5 Healthy Foods for Kids

1. Yogurt It's a healthy, filling snack that checks the boxes on protein and vitamin D, a nutrient many kids lack in their diet. Yogurt also delivers probiotics, good bacteria that are important for maintaining a healthy gut. Yogurt is a wonderful option for breakfast, a snack, or even a dessert but you have to […]


girl drinking milk

Does my child need to stop drinking Novamil KID IT after constipation condition has improved?

It takes 6 months and above (or even more) for bowel to get into regular motion with an adequate diet and good bowel practice. Thus, it is recommended that your child continue to drink Novamil KID IT as it is formulated with SmartGut360° that works through a 4 fold action to promote optimal daily transit […]