Parenting Tips

With the constant evolution in the do’s and don’t of raising children, we believe it’s important to learn and grow together. Here you can find some quick and easy parenting tips, that covers topics relating to the physical and mental development of our children.

Parenting Tips

cows grazing

Why do formulas have slight difference in color and taste?

The color and taste of milk formula depends largely on the fat content from milk. Seasonal changes in Europe and cow’s forage diet will result in a variation of milk composition, therefore each batch of milk will have slight variation in color or taste. This is particularly common with milk formulas of European origin. To […]


preparing formula milk

Feeding Q&As – Preparation & Storage

How to prepare Novamil growing up formula? How long can you keep formula once prepared? The protein in the milk makes it easy for bacteria to breed. Prepared milk should be consumed within 1 hour. If your child is unable to finish drinking it, it is recommended to discard and make a new one batch. […]


girl and mom exercising

How to calculate your child’s BMI?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated to tell us if your child’s weight is in a healthy weight range. BMI = Weight / (Height X Height) x 10,000 The BMI interpretation for adults and children are different because the amount of body fat changes with age. Thus, the BMI needs to be plotted on the […]


infant milk bottles

A guide for parents on formula option for kids with CMPA

If your kids are diagnosed with cow’s milk allergy, the only way to manage CMPA is the complete avoidance of cow’s milk and all the foods that contain cow’s milk. Before discussing the formula option, it is crucial to understand that CMPA is an allergic reaction caused by the cow’s milk protein. Below are some […]


sugar in formula milk

The Lowdown on Sugars in Milk Formulas

Do you ever wonder what’s typically in a growing up formula? If you’re been thinking about the sugar content in your child’s favourite milk, here’s an overview of the types of sugars available and what you should be looking out for on the nutrition and ingredient label. Sugar is divided into natural sugars and added […]