Parenting Tips /
5 Activities on Tasty Tuesday for Young Children

Every Kid Healthy Week is an annual celebration to encourage schools and families to improve the health and wellness of children. The Every Kid Healthy Week is scheduled on 20th – 24th April this year. Each day of the week shines a spotlight on the great actions that linked to nutrition, physical activity, mental health and learning!
We’re happy to be taking part in spreading the word by posting on our blog every day this week. Today theme is Tasty Tuesday that focus on nutrition and healthy eating.
Healthy eating is always emphasized to have a balanced diet to grow healthily. What is a balanced diet for kids? It shall have the right foods in the right proportions. No idea on which food groups are necessary? Click here for a quick overview of what a balanced diet looks like.
Using games and activities is a great way to help children learn about healthy eating while having fun at the same time! Let’s pick one of the activities and get involved in this Tasty Tuesday.
1. Cook with your little one
Pick one available recipe from Novamil Recipe and make it together with your kids. This is a great opportunity to teach them measurements, conversions and cooking skills, and it gives them a vested interest in the finished product.
2. Play with the food
We always tell our kids to stop playing with their food, but today we allow them to play with their food by creating food art. It’s a fun & creative way to introduce healthy food to them! They can make a teddy bear toast, rainbow pizza, monster sandwich or whatever they like. Click the link to check out some of the food art ideas.
3. Grow your own food
Children can learn a lot about food, simply by growing it themselves. You can encourage them to grow fast growing vegetables so that they can see a quick return. Green bean is one of the good examples. They might also like vegetables such as lettuce, onions, radishes or potatoes. Get them to DIY in sowing seeds, digging and watering them.
4. Make a food rainbow collage
This activity might take a fair bit of preparation, but it’s teaches the kids to learn the healthy eating principle by “eating the rainbow”. You will need to cut out lots of pictures of healthy food of all colours from magazines or grocery brochures. First get the children to sort the pictures into different colours, and then they can glue them on a large sheet of paper, in a rainbow formation.
5. Guess food from mystery bag
Sometimes it can be a challenge to motivate children to try new foods especially vegetables and fruits. Making it fun and exciting can make all the difference. This food guessing bag activity can also increase children’s recognition and awareness of different vegetables and fruits. You can place 6 – 8 types of food in the mystery bag. First show the kids the pictures of the vegetables and fruits that available in the bag. Then ask them to feel the food item in the bag without looking at it and try to match it to one of the pictures. You can let them to choose the desired vegetables or fruits to try as well.
Using games and activities is a great way to help children learn about healthy eating while having fun at the same time! Let’s pick one of the activities and get involved in this Tasty Tuesday.