Novamil 1+ 含有 29 种均衡饮食必需的营养素。 它还富含生育酚(维生素 E 的一种形式),可帮助您孩子的免疫系统保持健康。
宝怡乐 Novamil 1+ 为您孩子的成长提供均衡营养的基础。 它富含生育酚(维生素 E 的一种独特形式),可增强孩子的免疫力。
每天 3 杯 Novamil 1+ 可满足您孩子的基本营养需求,包括维生素 A、维生素B群、维生素C、维生素K、锌和铁。 Novamil 1+ 专为 1 至 3 岁儿童量身定制,提供他们发育所需的重要营养。
Novamil 1+ 含有 29 种均衡饮食必需的营养素。 它还富含生育酚(维生素 E 的一种形式),可帮助您孩子的免疫系统保持健康。
来自植物的 Omega 3 和 6 支持儿童的认知发展和视力敏锐度。
该配方含有 29 种必需营养素,包括 Omega 3 和 6,为最佳生长提供全面、均衡的营养。
First time my boy tried in Novamil. The taste of Novamil is more natural and less sweet. The milk is smooth and easy to serve. He like it very well, will keep on to let him consume Novamil.
Saya syorkan ibu-ibu di luar sana patut memberikan susu tanpa sukrosa ini kepada bayi anda. Susu amat digemari anak buah saya. Dan pastinya saya akan membeli lagi.
My kids love this because it has a vanilla taste.
This formula is better than the other product because it is suitable for all my children even with 2 years age gap. It’s a complete meal and has a good taste so they enjoy drinking it when they are fussy with food.
This is one of the best formulas so far, the nutrients are complete and sufficient for my growing child. I use this for all 3 of my kids and it seems to fit their needs through the different growing stages
Recommended formula.
Good formula for my son and daughter age 1 & 3. Both gaining weight correctly and are happy and healthy.
My in-laws use this Novamil milk for my niece and nephew, they are healthy and can stay focused in kindergarten. I switched to this product 2 months ago and my child’s appetite has improved.
My sister recommended this milk to me when my son turn 1yo, I was first worried to switch to formula but he seems to drink it easily and has not experienced any bowel problems like most children.
First time using Novamil, no complaints so far. Has a nice flavour that makes drinking milk taste nicer.
My wife uses this milk for our first child. It has a lot of nutrition provided to my son. Recommend to other mothers.
It has a pleasant natural milk taste and my son will request a bottle-full of Novamil 1+ especially in the early morning and before going to bed. We are happy our son finally finds his favorite milk that he loved and would drink it regularly.
I like to give my son this milk because it has no sucrose, well-balanced diet for my son to grow up healthily in an era that is driven by added sugars in all products.
儿童的身体发育是一个复杂的过程,受到包括营养在内的多种因素的影响。 成长配方奶是一种奶粉,旨在提供幼儿最佳身体发育所需的必需营养素。 因此,选择一款能够提供全面营养的配方奶非常重要。 为儿童提供均衡营养。
婴儿期(0-1岁):婴儿期的宝宝身体发育很快。 在出生的第一年内体重会增加三倍,平均身高会增加 25 厘米。 在这阶段的宝宝开始发展掌控能力如控制头部和颈部的运行、坐起、爬行以及最终行走的能力。
幼儿期(1-3岁):在幼儿期,儿童继续快速成长和发育。 它们每年增重约 2 至 4 公斤,身高约 8 厘米。 他们开始操作小物体,传递物体和培养各种手眼协调任务的能力,例如:抓取物体、堆砌积木和绘画。
童年期(4-9岁):在童年时期,生长速度减慢,但儿童的身体继续发育。 它们每年增重约 3 至 5 公斤,身高约 5 至 8 厘米。他们运用较大的身体肌肉进行运动技能,如跑、跳和投掷,以及更复杂和精细的肢体发展,如书写和使用剪刀。