Parenting Tips /

5 Activities on Earth Day Wellness Wednesday for Young Children

Every Kid Healthy Week is an annual celebration to encourage schools and families to improve the health and wellness of children. The Every Kid Healthy Week is scheduled on 20th – 24th April this year. Each day of the week shines a spotlight on the great actions that linked to nutrition, physical activity, mental health and learning!

We’re happy to be taking part in spreading the word by posting on our blog every day this week. Today is Earth Day Wellness Wednesday! The theme is all about celebrating our beautiful planet and learning ways to be active in taking care of it.

But in light of COVID-19, heading outside to celebrate may not be an option, here are some activities that you can do with your kids at home.

1. Make recycled paper

Paper is an ancient and essential part of our lives, and this project can be used as a doorway into art exploration, as well as a great way to teach our kids on upcycling any unwanted paper into paper card. Make one with your kids with the steps of making recycled paper. Click here to learn.

2. Turn your lights off

You can also teach about conserving energy by turning your lights off at home. Then, arrange a dinner with candlelight. Explain the importance of turning off lights and appliances when not in use with your kids so that they can adopt energy-saving habits.

3. Conduct Earth Day science experiment

Try out a cool science experiment to show how different disasters can affect our planet. For example, pour oil into a tub of water to see how difficult it is to clean up and why it’s so important that we keep oil spills from ruining our planet’s oceans. Click here for more science experiments.

4. DIY recycling bins

The best way to teach your kid to preserve our planet is to adopt the recycling habit. Making a cool DIY recycling bin at home to kick start this habit! Your kids sure will love recycling because the recycling bin is made by them.

5. Sing recycle song

Today’s kids are happy to watch a screen, especially nursery song. I know the screen time might not be great for child development, but it can be educational and useful when you monitor the content and time of using screens. On this Earth Day, you can gather up a few great recycling songs to watch and sing together with them. After all, a short, kid-friendly nursery song can really drive the point home. Listen to the one below!